Company overview

Abbott CFO Solutions was founded in faith with a vision to provide excellent financial services to entrepreneurs and business owners who see business as a ministry. At Abbott CFO Solutions, we are guided by biblical values, aiming to provide not just financial expertise, but also guidance and spiritual support to leaders of growing businesses.

In our accounting business, we pride ourselves on cultivating a forward-looking and strategic mindset that sets us apart. We are dedicated to monitoring financial trends and challenges, enabling us to help you find proactive solutions for your business. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing innovative technology, we ensure that your business not only has accurate financials but reaches new heights.

We believe in the power of partnership and are committed to walking alongside you, not just as your financial advisor but as a leader on your journey toward success. It is our joy to help you achieve your goals, aligning our strategies with the divine wisdom that guides us, and fostering an environment where your business flourishes. Together, let’s build a prosperous future, grounded in faith and financial acumen.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

Our mission

To expand the Kingdom of God through financial stewardship of our clients’ business

Who we are

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how can we help you?

Before hiring Steven it was all on me and very confusing at times. It took up too much of my time when I had to try and figure out why QB wasn’t matching my bank accounts and very frustrating because I needed to make better use of my time doing the things I’m good at instead of on things I’m not. He was able to free up my time and is great to work with. Our conversations or email exchanges are quick, easy, and painless.

Jay Moody
Owner, JM Legacy Remodeling

Partnering with Abbott CFO Solutions has played a vital role in enhancing our accounting processes by facilitating a more robust reporting plan all while while formulating growth strategies for our eCommerce business. Their assistance encompasses optimizing profit margins, evaluating profit and loss statements, exploring expense cutting measures and more. We greatly appreciate having a partner that shares our values and is aligned with our kingdom building vision.

Shawna Corson