Kingdom Impact

your business is your ministry; we're hear to help the kingdom grow

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23-24

While we work as if God is our boss (Col 3:23-24) and we know that our businesses are blessings (Gen. 2:15) from him we look for continued ways to expand the Kingdom.  Our business is our ministry and that can take on different meaning for each business owner.  It can also take on different meaning as time progresses and your business adapts and grows.


Many Christian entrepreneurs feel a divine calling prompting them to embark on their business journey. Transforming this business into a fully realized ministry requires time and growth. Clearly defining the ministry aspect can serve as a stabilizing force during challenging times.:

  • Service as Ministry:
    In service-oriented businesses, the daily interactions with customers present an opportunity for impactful ministry. How can you elevate a routine service to become a source of blessing for your customers beyond the immediate offering?
  • Products as Ministry:
    The products crafted by our businesses hold the potential to influence the community. Consider the impact of your product on customers and explore ways to use it as a tool for expanding the Kingdom.
  • Provision as Ministry:
    For those business owners gifted in a specific area, starting a business becomes a means to generate resources for other ministries. How can you optimize your business to provide abundant provision for other ministries, multiplying its impact?


Having a partner who not only offers practical assistance with bookkeeping, tax preparation, and fractional CFO services but also provides spiritual support for managing and stewarding your business can significantly amplify its impact on the Kingdom. Our commitment is to support you comprehensively and aid in the development of your ministry.


Abbott CFO Solutions is here for you.

looking for a partner to help expand your ministry?